Business A.D.D. is BAD for Business!
My name is Marilyn Strong and in 2007 I spoke to a group of women entrepreneurs in Kelowna, BC, Canada about Business Attention Deficit Disorder, Business A.D.D. for short.
I chose the topic because for years I had joked that my own business suffered from it. But it’s not a joke.
When I wrote this definition I had no idea how true it really was: “A business that suffers from Business Attention Deficit Disorder is characterized by unattended and neglected situations which, if left unchallenged, conspire to run and ultimately ruin a business.”
I decided it was time to bring Business A.D.D. out of the closet, confront it head on, and stop it from ruining others businesses the way it had tried to (and almost did) ruin mine.
What are the ‘unattended and neglected situations’? Can Business A.D.D. happen to any business?
How do I know if my business is suffering from Business Attention Deficit Disorder?
What are the tools and strategies that will help entrepreneurs, self employed professionals and business owners avoid or conquer Business Attention Deficit Disorder?
I’ll be blogging about these issues and more. I hope you’ll join me.
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