Do what’s hard and life will be easy.

One summer I spent a week at Peak Potential's personal development Warrior Training camp. Of all the content and reinforcement I received that week, the expression, "Do what's hard and life will be easy," seemed to trigger a nerve. Why? Because it's directly related to Business Attention Deficit Disorder. People with Business ADD will often

By |2011-11-15T18:04:03-08:00October 5th, 2009|Business A.D.D. (B.A.D.D.)|0 Comments

It’s all about Attitude

William James, one of the founders of modern psychology wrote: "Procrastination is attitude's natural assassin. There's nothing so fatiguing as an uncompleted task." Think of your business for a moment. How many 'uncompleted tasks' do you have? What about the marketing campaign you were going to start? Or the new employee you wanted to hire

By |2011-11-15T18:05:33-08:00August 9th, 2009|Business A.D.D. (B.A.D.D.)|0 Comments
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